Rachel Sills Penny-Lanyi
Psychotherapy and Counselling
Call: 07498837861 or email: rsillstherapy@gmail.com
What is therapy?
Counselling or psychotherapy is a process to help people in achieving personal change. There are many different schools of counselling and therapy from many great thinkers. My training is in Transactional Analysis (TA) and humanistic counselling. In TA practitioners are trained to identify self-defeating, archaic and detrimental thoughts and beliefs and relationship patterns that are causing distress to their clients and help them change, update or reframe them.
Who is it for?
Therapy is for anyone and everyone. You don't need to be ill or have problems, you just need to have a desire for things to be different. We all carry with us negative and outdated beliefs, thoughts and behaviours which impact our happiness, relationships and life in general. Therapy gives you time and a space to explore these with a trained professional who can help you find out what might be getting in the way, or why things keep happening the way they do. Therapy can help you made the changes you want
How long will it take?
This depends on what you wish to get from your therapy. After our initial meeting and assessment we will agree a contract and number of sessions - usually between 8 and 12 sessions. We will regularly review how the work is going. Most clients begin to feel relief after the first few sessions and begin to make positive changes for themselves very early on. Relationships and change take time, which is why a minimum of 8 sessions is recommended.